Tuesday 23 September 2014

Modeling of Bomberman

This is another 3D modeling that I worked on three days ago and it's Bomberman developed by HUDSON SOFT. It was a challenge for me to model him, so I created a reference sheet providing front view, side view, and others based on the Nintendo DS game - Bomberman 2 (Custom Battler Bomberman in Japan). It was tough to create a reference sheet because there are none on the internet, so I had to be creative.

This is the reference sheet that I made containing his front view, side view, facial expressions, etc.

First, I started to model him in basic shape getting the right proportion, shape, and form as I modeled.

After finishing the model, I duplicated it for a side view and back view as shown in the image below
showing how I modeled a character.

After creating a UV map of Bomberman done in Unfold 3D Magic, I exported back into Maya, tidy up the UVs, exported its UV in PNG to be used in Photoshop for texturing. Then, imported the texture created and applied it onto the model. Next, I set up a studio lighting for rendering and the result was looking good.

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