Thursday 30 January 2014

More Riders' Insignia

Here are three new Riders' insignia models from Kamen Rider Ryuki - Odin, Scissor, and Zolda

Odin's insignia

Scissor's insignia

Zolda's insignia

Odin, Scissor, and Zolda insignias


  1. Can u make Ryuga insignia?

    1. Greetings adam, I got your comment on my 3D model of Kamen Rider Ryuki's 13 Riders insignia and I do apologize for not replying it. I have been out of my blogpage for about three months and I really apologize for that, I was busy with other stuffs. Anyway, you were asking if I can make Ryuga insignia. Well, I have already model his insignia and it's on the Kamen Rider Ryuki Advent Decks post that I made in February.
