Wednesday 3 October 2018

More screenshots of the Mobian Shark 3D model

Here are some screenshots of my 3D work of a Mobian Shark character shown below. The model is in progress, just tweaking the polygons and adjusting the body model. Both the head and body model aren't attached yet. It's coming along nicely and slowly.

 - Front view of a Mobian Shark

- Side view

- Back view

- Close-up of the head model

- Side view of the Shark's head model

- Back view of the Mobian Shark's head model

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Update on the Mobian Shark 3D Model

New update of my work in progress of a Mobian Shark's body. I did some research on the actual shark's anatomy such as the shape of its tail fin, dorsal fin (for the back body), and pectoral fins (on both arms). I created the pectoral fins on both arms and the tail fin by extruding the faces and forming the shapes on each part of the model, but not the dorsal fin. It's coming along nicely and there is a lot of work. Here are the images of the body model shown below:

Screenshot of the Mobian Shark WIP showing the pectoral fins on both arms and the tail fin at the back.

Back view of the body model.

Close-up of the pectoral fin on the left arm of the character.

Close-up of the character's tail fin.

Saturday 22 September 2018

New Model Project - Mobian Shark WIP

It's been a while since I posted some 3D works on my blog page. Now that I'm back, I am currently modeling a Mobian body based on Sonic the Hegdehog franchise. I know that there have been many characters of different species seen in games and comics - Hedgehog, Fox, Avian, Reptile, Dragon, Aquatic etc. For Aquatic Mobians in a video game, none. So, this is one that I am trying to do and it's in progress. Below are the screenshots of the body model in Blender:

Front view of the Mobian Shark body model

Side view